Innovative care for chronic pain,
chronic health problems and trauma
My approach
I feel deeply privileged when someone shares their concerns and describes their distress. I respond by being an attentive, respectful listener and with empathy for your painful experiences. Therapy does not start until you feel heard and understood. I will check regularly with you to make sure I am addressing your concerns and that you are happy with your progress. I will discuss the therapeutic options with you and, together, we will make a plan for dealing with your concerns. The therapies I offer are gentle; you are not pushed to confront painful memories and experiences head-on.

“I have come to the conclusion that human beings are born with an innate capacity to triumph over trauma. I believe not only that trauma is curable, but that the healing process can be a catalyst for profound awakening—a portal opening to emotional and genuine spiritual transformation.”
― Peter A. Levine, Healing Trauma: A Pioneering Program for Restoring the Wisdom of Your Body
Causes of chronic pain and chronic health problems: Trauma
The human nervous system receives signals from, and sends signals to, virtually every part of the body, particularly our hormonal system, immune system and internal organs. It has many different branches that do different jobs and there are different parts of the brain that also have different functions. The parts of the nervous system responsible for detecting and protecting us from threat and helping us to survive are called the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) and the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS). Many different events and experiences can be interpreted by the nervous system as serious threats. Here are some examples:
Physical or sexual abuse as a child or adolescent,
Emotional or physical neglect,
Highly unpredictable parenting (“Am I going to be hugged or hit when I get home from school?”),
Living with domestic violence as a child or partner,
Serious illness or surgery as a child,
Sexual or physical assault,
Giving birth,
Persistent bullying,
Motor vehicle, workplace or natural disaster accidents,
Witnessing the death or serious injury of another,
Combat experiences,
Working as a first-responder (Police, Paramedics, Fire Officers, Rescue Services),
Witnessing the serious illness or distress of a loved one.
What they all have in common is that they have the capacity to cause our death or serious physical or emotional harm. Witnessing the death, catastrophic injury or serious illness of another person can have the same effect. When we detect such a threat, the Sympathetic Nervous System takes over completely, pouring all of the body's energy into fighting off the threat (fight) or running away from it (flight). If we can't fight or run away, the Parasympathetic Nervous System takes over, shutting the body down into what is known as the "freeze" state. If we suffer harm from one of these threats or we get stuck in the freeze state, our SNS or PNS can stay switched on or can be vulnerable to being switched on at the slightest hint of a threat. As a consequence, our nervous systems (and the rest of our body) spend a lot of time operating at a much more extreme level than they were ever meant to. Over time, they become worn out and stop working properly. When your nervous system stops working properly, incorrect signals are sent out to your body, damaging the tissues and causing your other body systems to malfunction, resulting in chronic pain and chronic health problems.
Causes of chronic pain and functional disorders: Stress
Traumatic experience and stress are not exactly the same. Traumatic experience is a particularly severe kind of stress and is more likely to cause long-term harm. We are all exposed to stressful experiences on a regular basis. Here are some examples:
Growing up in a home where anger and aggression are common,
Growing up with a chronically ill or addicted parent,
Growing up with persistent demands for high performance,
Feeling trapped in a demanding or very unsatisfying job,
Feeling trapped in an unhappy relationship,
Relentless financial pressure,
Unpredictable or under-employment,
Excessive work hours or demands on performance,
Overwhelming responsibilities in caring for others,
School and university examinations,
And many others.